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Does teeth whitening lead to sensitivity and what can you do about it?

Does teeth whitening lead to teeth sensitivity

Teeth whitening may at times lead to teeth sensitivity. When consuming hot or cold food, your teeth may experience discomfort or pain. For many, this is a temporary condition and will go back to normal after a few hours.

Due to habits, lifestyle, and genetic factors, teeth can lose their sparkle and change to a dull colour. The tooth has an outer coat enamel coating that absorbs stains from the foods consumed or habits such as smoking or tobacco use. The staining of the teeth can be removed by a simple whitening procedure. This procedure will help remove the stains and lighten the colour of the stains, thus bringing back the sparkle of the teeth. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular dental procedures as it enhances the appearance of the smile.

Teeth whitening treatment can be done at the dental clinic or at home. There are various treatment options available depending on where the treatment will be. But it is good to undergo the teeth whitening procedure at the dental clinic for the best results. This way the dentist can check how the teeth are reacting to the procedure and take appropriate steps to ensure maximum benefit. The whitening procedure is recommended by dentists after checking the person’s oral health. At the dental clinic, dentists will also check if there are any underlying reasons for teeth discolouration and suggest treatment options that promote oral and dental health.

In this article, we give some suggestions to overcome the discomfort caused by teeth sensitivity that happens after the whitening procedure.


Preparing for teeth whitening procedure

It is important to prepare for the whitening procedure. This involves switching to a desensitizing toothpaste for about a week or two before the treatment. This will help the teeth to get acclimatised to the procedure.

The toothpaste has special ingredients which will help block the pain and discomfort after the procedure. Some suggest leaving the toothpaste on for a few minutes on the teeth before rinsing off. Using this toothpaste and brushing twice a day will help build up the resistance to the treatment and teeth sensitivity can be managed.

Besides this, some also prefer to apply a desensitizing gel before the treatment. If required, pain medications can be taken that will help tide over the pain and discomfort of teeth sensitivity.


Type of procedure

As mentioned before, teeth whitening procedures can be done at home or the dental clinic. During the stain removal, hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth and bleach the stains and reduce the bring out the colour.

When the bleaching agent is applied, it can come in contact with other oral tissues and develop teeth sensitivity. The teeth whitening options found in the market come in different concentrations and some will have the peroxide in higher quantities than others. Some are more sensitive to peroxide and it is important to know the correct amount of bleaching agent that is required.

For best results, it is advisable to have the treatment done at the dental clinic. For those who prefer to do it at home, it is good to have a consultation with the dentist and know the product/quantity best suited.


Teeth Sensitivity by consuming food

Teeth sensitivity is experienced when hot or cold food is consumed. Certain types of foods like citrus fruits and fizzy drinks also heighten teeth sensitivity.  Reducing or avoiding these types of food before the teeth whitening procedure will help to remove the sensitivity and reduce the irritation that is felt after the treatment.

While consuming drinks, if a straw is used to consume them, then the drinks do not come in contact with the teeth and teeth sensitivity is reduced to a great extent. When drinks are consumed without straws, the drinks will come in contact with the teeth and teeth sensitivity will be heightened. Adopting this method of consuming drinks will help to reduce irritation.

Another method that can be followed is adjusting the temperature of the food. Food that is too hot or cold will increase teeth sensitivity, so it is important to consume food that is at room temperature to reduce teeth sensitivity.


Cleaning helps Teeth Sensitivity

Teeth sensitivity can also be controlled by adopting different brushing techniques. It is important not to irritate the teeth with rough brushing. Changing the brush to a soft-bristled brush by using fluoride toothpaste and cleaning the teeth without applying pressure will help reduce tooth sensitivity. This method can be applied after undergoing a tooth whitening procedure.

Seek advice from the dentist to check if this method should be started prior to the procedure itself. Teeth sensitivity is also felt when the gum tissues are irritated. By using soft bristled brushes, the chances of gums receding can also be controlled. This will reduce the overexposure of gums and reduce sensitivity.

Rinsing the mouth with lukewarm water will help to calm down the irritation in the oral tissues and reduce the sensitivity experienced.


Dental Consultation

It is important to seek expert advice while going for any dental procedure. At the dental clinic, the extent of teeth sensitivity can be checked. The dentists will check sensitivity by using the touch and air methods. This will help understand the level of sensitivity and precautionary methods that can be taken when teeth whitening is planned.

The dentist will also be able to suggest the amount of bleaching agent that will be suitable according to one’s needs. Taking precautionary steps will help reduce sensitivity. After the procedure, if the discomfort and pain are high and do not go away after a few hours, then dental advice should be sought.

Dentists will also be able to provide medications to tide over the pain and also recommend different methods that can be adopted to reduce the extent of sensitivity experienced.



Teeth whitening is an easy, affordable, and highly effective way to improve your smile aesthetics. By following the above tips, you will be able to easily handle the mild teeth sensitivity that may rarely happen after the procedure.


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