No Needles Day

at Absolute Dental Care


Dentist calls for ‘World No Needles Day’ to help anxious patients

With 49% of Australians suffering from dental anxiety, Brisbane Dentist Dr Paul Rollason has called on his medical colleagues to join in observing ‘World No Needles Day’ on Wed 14 Oct 2020.

Dr Paul Rollason said that many people are missing out on essential medical and dental treatment because of their fear of needles.

“Every day I see patients who really don’t like coming to the dentist and in particular, don’t like getting needles,” said Dr Rollason.

“That means they put it off, which usually means they don’t end up getting the treatment they need when they need it,” he said.

“As a result, the condition usually deteriorates further and is often more expensive to treat.”

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, there were 72,000 hospitalisations for dental conditions that may have been prevented with earlier treatment.

A study in the Australian Dental Journal found that 49% of Australians suffering from low to extreme fear associated with visiting the dentist.

To combat this, Dr Rollason is calling on dentists and other medical colleagues to make Wednesday 14 October 2020 ‘World No Needles Day’.

“There should be one day in the year where nervous patients can get the medical advice that they need without having to worry about pain or needles.”

“I encourage all dentists and other medical colleagues to make Wednesday 14 Oct 2020 a day where not a single needle is given to a patient that voluntarily attends a medical/dental facility.”

Some of the dental conditions that are likely to be made worse by putting off the dentist include:

As an extremely nervous patient around needles, Steve Prokop is in full support of the concept.

“I literally start shaking just at the thought of needles and am on the verge of passing out, even just talking about them” said Mr Prokop.

“I’d rather endure the pain, with no anaesthetic, if I need painful medical treatment done as opposed to getting a needle.”

About Dr Paul Rollason

Dr Paul Rollason graduated with honours in Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Queensland in 1993.  He began working as a dental associate at Absolute Dental Care in 1996 and managed the practice for 10 years before becoming an owner in 2006.

Media contact:

Dr Paul Rollason
Ph: 0419670653

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